Thursday 8 December 2016

Looking At Cosmetic Surgery For Men: They Deserve To Look Their Best, Too!

When it comes to looking at cosmetic surgery for men, there are many potential options that jump out depending on what type of a look it is that the individual patient is going for.

The following are some of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for men, and they affect a wide variety of areas across the body. Whatever you’re not happy with, chances are there is a cosmetic procedure that can get you the look you’re looking for.

Rhinoplasty (aka The Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty allows a surgeon to help re-shape and re-form a patient’s nose in a way that is more aesthetically pleasing. Proportion means everything when it comes to looking attractive (or not) on a first glance. We understand that little changes can make all the difference in how good you look not only to others but also to yourself.
Our specialists understand how the proportions of the face affect beauty, and they will work with you to create a handsome or dashing look that fits with the rest of your features in the best possible way.

Gynecomastia (aka Male Breast Reduction)

Male breast reduction is another very popular cosmetic surgery choice for men. Officially called gynecomastia, this is a great way to remove excess fat cells, puffing, and swelling around the male pecs. This can be the last little piece of the puzzle for helping fit men get that definition that keeps eluding them, or it can be a way to get rid of man boobs from a body that otherwise would actually look halfway decent.
Males don’t like the idea of having man boobs and it’s not hard to see why. It’s not considered attractive, and that can really hammer on the emotional health and self confidence of the individual. So why not change it?

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Moorgate Aesthetics has found around a 40% increase in the amount of men that are now opting for penis enlargement procedures. Many men are worried about the size of their penis and are afraid that they don’t measure up compared to their friends. You can make it Longer and Thicker with Penis Enlargement Surgery. The operation to enlarge the length and girth of the penis in penis enlargement surgery is called a penoplasty. Penis Enlargement now with the latest Puregraft filtration system. You can choose their premium service Penis enlargement surgery incorporating the revolutionary treatment that is PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma

Liposuction for men

Liposuction is one of those procedures that both genders take advantage of. This comes from people looking to lose a lot of weight, who have issues with burning off the last 20 pounds, or those who are relatively healthy but all the fat that is left on their body are in the most inconvenient places like around the breasts (for males), on the hips, or creating a double chin.
Liposuction can help in dealing with localised issues such as muffin tops, jowls, or little pockets of fat hanging off of the upper arm. This allows for a high level of sculpting work to get the appearance that will truly make you happy.

What should I do next ?

Fill out our form to make an enquiry or give us a call at our central office on 03300 244 858 to arrange an appointment. Our staff are trained and experienced and waiting to book your appointment.
Just give us a call on 03300 244 858 or email us at and we will do the rest !

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Liposuction For Men | Fat Removal for Men

Liposuction For Men is a Growing Trend

It might be surprising to know that not only women undergo liposuction to enhance their appearance. With the arrival of the metrosexual man and the equalising of gender roles, an increasing number of men are opting for cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that aims to get rid of excess fat from a particular area of the body to attain a sculpted look. The fat liposuction aims to eliminate is the stubborn fat that accumulates in certain areas of the body such as inner thighs, buttocks, and stomach.

Moorgate Aesthetics offer two types of Liposuction for men

1. Fat Removal Liposuction

MOORGATE AESTHETICS are seeing more and more men in their clinics requesting fat removal procedures. It’s no secret that obesity is a major problem in the Western world; this is part of the reason for such a surge in demand for procedures including liposuction. Before the procedure begins, you will be given anesthesia.
Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the liposuction procedure is performed using a suction device attached to a small, stainless steel instrument called a cannula. Through small incisions, the cannula is inserted into fatty areas between skin and muscle where it removes excess fat either using a suction pump or a large syringe. This results in a smoother, improved body contour. The length of the procedure will vary with the amount of fat needing removed –


READ OUR F.A.Q’s Fat Removal

Liposuction Surgery Before & After Pictures*

*Pictures courtesy of Surgeon Gary Horn
Consultation with Penis enlargement Surgeon

2. Vaser Liposuction

It is a procedure that is less invasive than regular liposuction. All Vaser Liposuction procedures in the United Kingdom are performed under local anaesthetic. In large cases of fat removal your Surgeon local anaesthetic with sedation. This will mean you are not totally asleep. A general Anaesthetic means that you will be asleep for the procedure, but this is rare for vaser.. The operation itself can take between one hour and two hours. The length of a vaser liposuction depends again on the extent of the areas to be treated.
The Doctor uses a special instrument called a cannula, which looks like a long thin metal rod. This fine cannula actually uses ultrasound technology to liquify the fatty substance in the fat cells into liquid and it is this cannula that removes the unwanted fat. Modern vaser liposuction equipment gives the Doctor greater control of the amount of fat that is removed and the area in which it is taken from –

READ MORE & See before & After pictures

READ OUR F.A.Q’s Vaser Liposuction

Dr Vlok is Moorgate Aesthetics Vaser Liposuction Surgeon. Dr Vlok is an experienced clinician who has had extensive training and hands on experience in general surgery, ear nose and throat, skin and gynaecological surgery. read full profile 

call us any time on

03300 244 858

Post-Surgery Care

Post-surgery care depends on the amount of fat extracted and the scale of the procedure. Normally, the patient is required to take at least 2 to 7 days of total rest. Swelling, pain, and discomfort are to be expected a few days after the procedure. In most instances the final results are apparent only 6 months after undergoing the procedure.
Liposuction is a permanent remedy to stubborn fat as long as healthy weight is maintained through diet and exercise.

Advantages of Liposuction for Men

Liposuction must always be the last resort for getting rid of stubborn fat that has refused to budge despite following a proper diet and a rigorous workout routine. While the benefits to be enjoyed from liposuction may vary from one person to the next

Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits

  1. The ability to wear all types of clothes without bulging fat
  2. A feeling of enhanced well-being because of having a more proportional body
  3. Improved self-confidence
  4. Reduced body fat

Contacting Moorgate aestheticsBook A Consultation Now

Male liposuction is something every man should consider when other attempts of getting rid of stubborn fat fail. It is a procedure guaranteed to sculpt the body to one’s liking and will definitely improve one’s look. However, undergoing a liposuction does not mean that you should stop following a healthy diet and a proper workout schedule. Both of these are still important for ensuring that you keep off the fat that you lose from liposuction.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Calf Implant surgery

Understanding Calf Implant Surgery / Calf Augmentation.   offer free consultations for calf implant surgery without any obligation. Give us a call at our central office on 03300 244 858 to arrange your free consultations. We have consultation centres throughout the UK.

Monday 21 March 2016

Calf Implant Surgery / Calf Augmentation

Calf Implant Surgery

Understanding Calf Implant Surgery / Calf Augmentation

Calf implant surgery is a procedure that can be used to increase the size of a person’s calf (or calves) and also change the shape and improve the symmetry.


A lot of people are unhappy with how their calves look. They may be concerned that they are too small compared to their thigh muscles, or that they are not balanced in shape. Some people (those who have suffered from polio or who have club foot or spina bifida) may have deformed calves, and getting an implant made from soft silicone could improve their confidence.

Improved Bulk and Balance

There are many reasons why someone might want implants. Some people, those with ‘high insertions’ struggle to get bulky looking calf muscles, and may want calf implant surgery to help with that. For others, the motivation is to improve their anatomical balance – this is a common motivation for women, who want to have their thighs look balanced compared to their calves.

Who Can Get Calf Implants

In general, this is a safe procedure, and if you are in good health then you are a good candidate. There are certain medical conditions which can increase the risk factors associated with any form of surgery, but there are no specific contraindications that are unique to calf implants. Before the surgery, you will be asked about your medical history, and any potential risk factors will be flagged up then.

The Procedure

Before surgery, your legs will be measured, and the correct size of implant will be prepared. When you go in for surgery, you will be put under general anaesthetic. The surgeon will then make an incision into the calf, to cut into the fascia (the covering) of the muscle. They will then make a pocket between the covering and the actual muscle, and put the implant into that pocket.
Bleeding is usually minimal because of the nature of the incision. The surgeon will insert the coverings into both of your calves, and examine them to make sure that they are symmetrical. Once satisfied with the insertions, they will then close up the fascia with stitches, before putting you into a recovery room.
The recovery process consists of two phases. During the first phase, the focus is on recovering from surgery. In the first few dayS, you will be told to remain in bed as much as possible, with your legs elevated. For the rest of the first week you may get up to walk around a little more often, but if you are lying or sitting then you should still elevate your legs, to reduce swelling.
Your legs will be kept bandaged for the first few days, but once the bandages are removed you will need to keep your legs clean by taking short showers (not baths). In the longer term, you can walk around more – but should still stay away from vigorous exercise. Two months after surgery you can start to re-introduce exercise as your calves recover their strength.

At Moorgate Aesthetics we offer free consultations for calf implant surgery without any obligation. Call us today or email us to arrange your free consultations. We have consultation centres throughout the UK.

What should I do next ?

Give us a call at our central office on 03300 244 858 or email us at to arrange an appointment or simply fill out our enquiry form. Our staff are trained and experienced and waiting to book your appointment.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Gynecomastia Surgery – Male Breast / Chest Reduction

We provide Gynecomastia Surgery – Male Breast / Chest Reduction for clients from across the UK.

Gynecomastia -Male breast reduction

Here are just a few reasons why you should book Gynecomastia Surgery with us here at Moorgate Aesthetics:
Cosmetic Surgery Loan

Meet Our UK Plastic Surgeons

David Jallali pic
Dr Navid Jallali
Breast Surgery
DR Helena Antoniadou
Dr-Gary-Horn-Plastic surgeon
Dr Gary Horn

Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of the breast tissue in men. Also referred to as man boobs, experts have yet to determine the exact cause of gynecomastia, although it is widely accepted that an imbalance between the hormones testosterone and estrogen is a factor.
Man boobs are primarily an aesthetic concern as it non-cancerous and painless. It can, however, cause men to lose self-confidence especially in situations such as swimming at the beach or wearing tight-fitting clothing. There are plenty of ways that can help get rid of man boobs, but the most effective is gynecomastia surgery.
First, it is important to understand the causes of gynecomastia. As mentioned, hormonal imbalance is usually the culprit when it comes to developing enlarged breasts. This imbalance usually occurs during the puberty years, which explains why many teenagers suffer from man boobs. Thankfully, there’s a high chance for teenagers to eliminate their man boobs when they hit their later teen years.
dreamstime_xs_30873931Also another common cause is the use of anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders. Of course not all steroids will cause it, only the ones that aromatize. Anadrol, Sustanon and Dianabol are especially known causes. Some others are weaker stimulators and are dose related.
Gynecomastia is also common among older men because testosterone levels decrease with age. In addition, men taking androgen blocking medications may be at a higher risk for developing man boobs. These medications are used to combat the development of prostate cancer, but one side effect can be gynecomastia due to the reduction in the level of testosterone.
If you are looking to reduce the size of your breasts, then you should consider gynecomastia surgery. Of course, you will have to consult with your doctor to determine whether there are other less invasive alternatives. A surgical operation is usually considered to be the most effective way to improve the appearance of your chest or totally correct man boobs.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

There are two surgical procedures used to eliminate gynecomastia.
  • The first is liposuction, which is carried out by our plastic surgeon. This procedure involves the removal of excess fat in the chest area by creating incisions.
  • The other is mastectomy which not only involves the removal of fat, but also the breast gland tissue and excess skin to make the chest look firmer.
When you speak to our plastic surgeon they will advise on the best procedure for you.
What’s great about undergoing surgery to get rid of gynecomastia is that you can get your desired results immediately. After a successful operation, you can readily notice the reduction in breast size. The recovery period typically lasts up to 3 weeks, but you can usually go back to work within a week following the operation. This is what makes surgery such an attractive option for those suffering from gynecomastia, as other methods to remove man boobs can take a very long time before you see noticeable results.
Gynecomastia isn’t a major health concern, but it can cause you to have lower self-esteem. If you are too embarrassed with your condition, then it’s time to seek help and look for ways to get rid of man boobs. Eating the right kind of diet and exercising regularly can go a long way in your fight against gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery is also an excellent option, but you need to understand both its advantages and disadvantages. It is best to book a free consultation with our plastic surgeon.

Friday 27 March 2015

Why Women Have More Cosmetic Surgery Than Men.

There’s no getting around the fact that women have more cosmetic surgery procedures than men, but why exactly is this?

After all, there are plenty of cosmetic surgery procedures for men out there – and many men do take advantage of them – however some men are still not comfortable with undergoing them. Below we’ll see why men are still slightly reticent about cosmetic surgery, and debunk a few myths at the same time…

Male Embarrassment

Let’s face it: most men don’t choose to have cosmetic surgery because they are worried about what their mates will say and about the ribbing they will get when they are down the pub. Perhaps some men should think differently though: surely getting a bit of joke made at their expense is better than the constant jokes about their bald head (remedied using hair transplants) or their penis size! So, men should remember that the mocking will end, however the great results will be around forever!

Men Are Generally Happier With Their Appearance

When it comes to the differences in psyche between men and women, it is evident that men are generally happier with their appearance than women. There is less pressure on men to conform to certain looks and men are generally happier to just laugh off any issues that they might have with their body. This is changing though, and now men account for over 10% of all cosmetic surgery procedures. This shows that the male attitude towards looking good is changing and that men are finally coming around to the idea that they don’t have to put up with their perceived imperfections.

Lack of Examples in the Media

For women, there are loads of different celebrities and other well-known people who have clearly had plastic surgery, and look great thanks to it. This therefore encourages women who see them to go in the same direction, and therefore drives up the number of women in total visiting a plastic surgeon. Men, on the other hand, don’t tend to have so many “role models” when it comes to plastic surgery, therefore meaning they aren’t given that push. Of course, if men looked hard enough, they’d see that plenty of celebrities have gone under the knife though (aside from Wayne Rooney’s hair transplant, which might not be the best advert).
Despite the reasons listed above, men are increasingly starting to come round to the idea of cosmetic surgery, although they still make up a small percentage of the total number of procedures throughout the country.
At Moorgate Aesthetics, we offer a large range of cosmetic surgery procedures for men, ranging from penis enlargement through to hair transplants, as well as a number of different procedures that can be for both men and women. If you are a man and want to find out more about what we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Don’t worry, we won’t tell any of your mates about it…